Professional networks are an important component of career readiness and success, and forming relationships is the mainstay of professional networks. Previously, we focused on three skills needed to build professional relationships: Trust, Respect and Self-Awareness. This month, we conclude with Effective Communication.
There are many definitions of effective communication, but there are two key elements captured by most:
Communicating is the act of exchanging information, and effective communication ensures that the message is not only shared but also understood.
Why Effective Communication Matters
Effective communication is essential for building and maintaining professional relationships because it is:
the way that we make and maintain connections – from the point of first contact to staying in touch. How we build trust and respect with others – by listening, avoiding misunderstandings, and being reliable, and the way for us to build self-awareness – again, by listening, and being open to constructive feedback.
Effective communication is a skill that needs to be developed and refined continuously throughout our professional lives — think about how we have had to adapt to communicating over Zoom, TikTok, and Instagram in just the last few years.
A Story of Effective Communication in Action
Active listening is a cornerstone of effective communication, but it’s not always easy to practice. As an investment analyst, Stephen spent countless hours preparing recommendations for his investment committee. He meticulously researched and presented the strongest case for his proposals, confident in his expertise on the companies under consideration.
However, Stephen soon realized that his best recommendations weren’t the result of his research alone. They came when he actively listened to the questions and insights of his colleagues. By engaging with the diverse perspectives and experiences of fellow analysts and committee members, he gained new insights that strengthened his analyses and led to better decisions.
This experience taught Stephen that communication isn’t just about presenting information; it’s about creating space for others’ voices and ideas. Listening carefully to those around him not only improved his work but also strengthened the collaborative decision-making process.
What’s on our mind – AI and Power Skills …
In a recent Wall Street Journal article titled “How Students Can AI-Proof Their Career”, James R. Haggerty explored the impact that artificial intelligence (“AI”) may have on students starting their careers.
While AI will transform the workplace, Mr. Haggerty points out a survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (“NACE”) which found that employers value skills such as communications, teamwork, and critical thinking in their employees. We call these “power skills” which are the skill that can make us adaptable and resilient.
By focusing on a skill such as effective communication, we equip ourselves with the tools to navigate a rapidly changing job market.
New Year Plans …
Many of us make New Year resolutions, but why wait for January to start making moves that can change your life?
Especially when it comes to building professional relationships and sharpening your communication skills, the best time to start is right now.
Students: Plan to Communicate
As you look ahead to the rest of the school year, think about how you can become a more effective communicator. Here are some ideas to try:
Own the Stage: Volunteer to give a presentation in a class you enjoy. It’s a great way to practice confidence and clarity in front of an audience.
Engage in the Debate: The next time there’s a school debate or discussion, focus on being an active listener, not just a speaker. Bonus challenge: Can you explain someone else’s viewpoint as well as your own? That’s next-level communication!
Summer may feel far away, but it’s closer than you think. Whether you’re planning to work, volunteer, or take a class, now is the time to prepare.
Polish Your Resume: Create or update your resume to highlight your skills and goals. Ask a teacher, family member, or mentor to review it with you.
Get Ahead of the Pack: Thinking of reaching out to an employer or volunteer group to learn about summer opportunities? Draft a professional email, then have someone help you make it shine before sending.
Speak with Confidence: If you get a call back, be ready! Write out how you want to introduce yourself and practice speaking confidently on the phone or in-person.
By starting now, you can make a lasting impact on students’ skills and career paths—and strengthen the future of your organization by investing in the next generation of talent.
Employers: Plan to Engage
As you look ahead, consider how your business or organization can help high school students grow their skills and build confidence. Here are some ways to get started:
Create Opportunities for Students to Shine: Offer roles or projects that let students practice presenting ideas to a team.
Foster Active Engagement: When students participate in discussions—whether in team meetings, brainstorming sessions, or problem-solving challenges—encourage them to share their perspectives and practice active listening.
Offer Resume Coaching: Host a resume workshop or review session for students applying for summer roles or internships. Your expertise can help them highlight their unique strengths and aspirations.
By starting now, you can make a lasting impact on students’ skills and career paths—and strengthen the future of your organization by investing in the next generation of talent.
We would appreciate your thoughts on our initiative and welcome opportunities to collaborate. You can reach us at and we look forward to staying connected.